
Requirements of harmonized standards

This article can be a game changer for many people. Harmonised standards are so often referred to as documents with requirements to be fulfilled. Then, a CE marking indicates conformity with the standard. Is this true or not? It is – but not for construction products. Construction products are different because EU countries differ in approach construction. …

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EOTA, ETA and EAD – alternative route to CE-marking

The following three terms are defined in Construction Product Regulation 305/2011 (CPR) and belong together. EOTA – European Organisation for Technical Assessment is a non-profit organisation in the area of construction products, based in Brussels. It associates „TABs“ (Technical Assessment Bodies) which are institutes authorised to issue ETAs and prepare EADs. The internal dialogues and commenting rounds …

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What is needed for a Declaration of Performance and a CE-marking?

The procedures leading to a Declaration of Performance (DoP) and a CE-marking are described in Construction Product Regulation 305/2011 (CPR). The first precondition for starting the procedure is that the construction product in question falls under the scope of CPR. Read this article to find out whether this is the case. When there is a harmonised standard relevant …

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What does a CE-marking mean?

It obvious to most people that a CE-marked construction product has been somehow assessed according to Construction Product Regulation 305/2011 (CPR). And that is right – but what does this actually mean? First, let’s make clear what it does NOT mean: the product is safe the product has fulfilled a list of requirements the product has …

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